Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stress- In detail

Okay, so I have been trying to find reasons to avoid ranting (i.e. I just stopped blogging so I wouldn't be tempted). But you know what? This is MY blog. Why should I care if someday, SOMEONE, or SOME PEOPLE, come stumbling across this blog (chances are extremely rare this would ever happen). This blog was made so I could keep track of our lives as the Hubby and I become one. I wanted this blog to start just before he and I were married and continue on through the years as we get our OWN place, adjust to married life, start adding little ones to our family, and finally as the dreaded day we become "empty nester's". Why should I worry about OTHER people's thoughts? THEY are not part of this little family, and THEY are definitely not a part of this blog.

Now, you are probably wondering who THEY are. THEY are a lot of people. You will figure it out as you read on (read "if you read on"). Be for-warned: This is going to be very much like a long rant and it's more for me to just get it off of my mind.

#1- Living with his parents. (Yes I know many of you are like Ha! That's where you went wrong! We didn't have much of a choice in the matter)

Besides the obvious lack of privacy, there are sooooo many reasons this situation stresses me out. First off, we pay rent, utilities and all that jazz. What's so wrong with that? We were told when we moved in here we would be rent-free as long as we were both going to college. It's the reason why we agreed to move in here, because we had (have) no money. And we have both been in college and still are but were told the month hubby and I moved in together, we needed to start paying rent and part of the other bills. His parents were layed off at the time, so O.K, we can try to do that. Well, if we fell late at all, they would (and will) throw this total b**ch fit. His dad works with his buddy now and is going through training for a new job. His mom decided to try to go back to school for Dental Assisting. She could have a job, but says a job that makes 7 or 8 bucks an hour is a waste of her time. Now hubby is also layed off, and they have no mercy. Everything is to be paid on time, even though I am now the only one working and I make less money then everyone in the house. Hubby would take care of the bills and I made just enough to cover groceries, the phone bill and any little extras we needed. We added everything up and after subtracting all the bills from my monthly earnings, we literally have $50 left over at the end of the month. That is suppose to cover gas, food, and any extras or emergencies that may pop up, and wedding stuff. Two full grown adults can not live on that, so we don't go out, we don't drive around and we don't grocery shop (we've been trying to live off of what we had stocked up) and I have to say, we are running pretty low on food. Do they care? Nope. We've tried talking to them and all they say is "Well, everyone is having a hard time can't help you." Drives me nuts!

Then to top it off they like to think that hubby's sister is having a worse time then us! Are you kidding me? I am even convinced she isn't paying her part on the bills. I mean she makes a more money then I do, but she is just oh-so broke. She supposedly can't afford food, so her parents share theirs with her (and they will sometimes ask if we want whatever they cooked if they've got extra). But she buys Starbucks at least 1-2 a week ( I haven't had Starbucks in months! No joke), she buys fast food all the time (we can't afford to do even McDonalds Dollar Menu, thats how bad it is) and I was doing laundry the other day and seen a rather large kohls bag sitting by her couch. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I haven't been able to buy any new clothes in like a year and this whole summer have to wear jeans or pj shorts (which aren't flattering since they are falling apart) outside because I do not own a pair of shorts for wearing in public. But, she is having such a hard time because she kicked her (now ex) boyfriend out, whom is also the father of her baby. Yes she also has a baby, whom hubby's mom watches for free Monday-Friday except on the occasional day when the father has him. And they still let her keep the downstairs apartment. See, the house we share has three bedrooms upstairs, two bathrooms and a fully built (with a kitchen, living room and 2 bedrooms, and a bathroom) apartment downstairs with it's own garage and entrance. Really? Hubby and I could use that space so much more. Instead she gets it and hubby and I get to pay rent for our bedroom, the back bedroom (which we converted into a very small living room) and a bathroom that is the community bathroom for whenever his parents or sister want someone over. And guess who gets to clean it? YEP! Me. I get to clean up after their drunk friends pee everywhere BUT the toilet! And we have to share the kitchen with his parents (and now his sister). His parents complain about everything we eat/cook and even the pans I cook with! They are "organic" people who work out and take vitamins and blah blah blah kind of people. I know, you are thinking but I thought she said the sister has her own kitchen downstairs? She does. But she prefers to use the upstairs dishes (so she doesn't have to do dishes, and they used to make hubby and I do them, until I bought our own and said no more.) And her fridge was the ex's so he took it and so she uses the upstairs one, even though there is one in her garage that works (the garage that she refuses to park her car into) . And they are so messy! They leave crumbs and food everywhere, they let the dishes pile up until they want to do them.

They also get mad if we spend "too much time" in our own living room or room without them. You can hear through the walls, they are constantly knocking on our doors to "talk to us". When we go to go out they want to know where we are going, why, all the major W's. If we want to leave a party early or not go, we get yelled at by his dad. It generally feels like they treat us like we are 13 year olds.

Okay. I need to stop or I will go on and on on this one subject. If you aren't bored yet, continue onto my next post about my number 2 Stressor- Wedding involvement.

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