Friday, July 23, 2010

Excited! Bridal Shower

I will be so busy this weekend. I have two bridal showers to go to, one on Saturday (Cousins) and one on Sunday (Mine :) ). I am so excited that my bridal shower is this weekend. I keep peeking at the online registeries and seeing what people are buying us. I can't wait, I keep smiling! The weather is supposed to be nice 9we will be at a park) But the bad thing is I don't have a pair of shorts/skirt to wear! (At least none that fit) So now either late tonight or tomorrow, I have to go out and find me some shorts or preferably a skirt. Plenty of shirts! So tonight, if you see me posting some slow cooker recipes tonight, you will know at least one thing I am getting!


  1. Hey girl, I gave you a blog award! Check it out.

  2. That was why I stopped by, to see if you'd cooked anything yet in your slow cooker. They are the best!!
