Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Missing Children and Undeserving Parents

Okay, I know this one may push a few buttons with some, and I do welcome all feedback, these are just my opinions.

Here's the story behind this rant: Today at work a little girl (couldn't have been more than 4 yrs old) came crying up to my station. I asked her what was wrong and she said she lost her mommy. I asked her what her name was and she told me and right before I could page her, her mom came walking up, not even worried or sorry and yells at the girl then walks away. I am sorry, but for one, I would NEVER let my children run around a building by themselves (especially at that young of an age). Yeah, sometimes kids get away and like to go play, but as a mom wouldn't you go right after them looking for them? Wouldn't you be worried sick as a mom when you can't find your child??? I know I would be crying and running around like crazy looking for her.

When you have a child, you become their guardian. You are given the blessing and responsibility of being the caretaker, the protector, and the nurser of said child(ren).

Why is it people who do not care about children are the ones who get blessed with children? There are sooooo many people, good people, who want/deserve/ are trying to have children but they can't and yet their are people that don't want/care/abuse their children and who call them "accidents" and tell them they ruined their parents lives/marriages/figure/etc (and yes I have heard this both at work from customers having problems controlling their children and from when i am out on the town and a child is crying because of whatever reason). Is it really the child's fault. No. The child did not make itself. Two people got together and created the baby. Don't blame the baby.

I am gonna stop this one here, cause I could just on and on about this.

Any feedback/thoughts on subject are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. i see things like that happening all the time..children just randomly walking in parking lots and stuff..and parents are ok with that. so strange to me!
