Monday, July 26, 2010

My first Bloggie Award!

Wow, the weekend was so hectic that I didn't even realize I was given my first blog award from Camo and Peace Signs !!! I am soooo happy! Thank you so very much! Okay, so I am suppose to post seven tidbits about myself, and then pass the award onto others! Let's give it a try:

Seven Things about Mrs. M:

1. I am getting married (big secret right? lol) to a man I have known for 5 years and been dating for three. You can call him my high-school sweetie! I absolutely love him!

2. I am in a "nesting" phase currently (no I am not pregnant). I think it's because of the upcoming wedding and such. I am ready for Mr. M and I to be a family and start turning our home into a real home!

3. Holiday I am most interested in this year: Christmas. And no, it's not because of the gifts. It's because (and yes this links back up to the "nesting" thing) we (Mr. M and I, no one else) get to get OUR first Christmas tree and have it in OUR living room. I get butterflies and my heart speeds up each time I think about it. I'm crazy right?

4. I didn't get my license until after I had finished my first year of college: Why? Because I hate to drive. Everyone I know loves driving, I do not. I would rather walk or have Mr. M drive me (don't worry, I do drive myself most of the time).

5. I want to be a stay at home mom. I would like to have as many kids as I can (or at least a big family). Hubby said 5 tops it, but if we have the resources, maybe a sixth. I can live with that, lol.

6. Everybody asks me if I am excited/really nervous. I always reply "I am VERY excited, but not nervous. That will come next week" (I've been saying this for 4 months now). I think I only say this to maybe convince myself. In truth, I have been stressing tons. So much that my stress level on a scale of 1 to 10 is a big fat 100 PERCENT.

7. I love to cook and bake! And I am actually good at cooking. ( I will let you all in a secret: One day, one of hubby's friends which I ran into, asked me when I was inviting the guys over to eat. I was like what do you mean? And he was like Well ....... said your cooking is better than his moms, and I will invite myself over if I have to!) Can you believe it? One, hubby was talking about my cooking to his friends and Two, he said MY cooking is better than his moms! Let's not tell the soon to be Mother in Law, lol!

Hope Ya'll enjoyed that! Now here's all the people I have chosen to pass this on to!

Okay, yes I know that's only seven! But I didn't think it fair that I can recieve a blog award and not give it to that person since they have a great blog! So my number 8 bloggie award is going to Camo and Peace Signs ! Please, I recommend you check out her blog she, (so unlike me), is much better at keeping up a blog and I truly enjoy reading her blog!

And my ninth and final award is given to my two followers that have their blogs marked as private. I believe you two deserve an award too!

There's my list and thank you once again Camo and Peace Signs!


  1. congrats! and thank you! :) :)

  2. Yayyyy! Thanks for my blog award, you are too kind!!!!

  3. Thanks girl!! You're too sweet. And Christmas is my favorite holiday too! I go crazy with all kinds of decorations and getting our house festive. It breaks my heart to take it down, lol.

  4. Congratulations! I can't wait to start reading about your first year of holidays and traditions with hubby. And no other job you can ever do, besides being a wife, will be more important than being a stay at home mom! Thank you so much for passing the award on to me!!
