Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Worldless Wednesday Almost?

Okay, so I have seen many blogs doing their daily posts and some being these themes. So, since so much has happened this week (being sarcastic, lol) I think I am going to give these "theme" days a chance. Usually I see Mon, Tues, Wed. themes, but nothing for Thur, Fri.. Anybody else do these theme days? What themes do you use? Hope I do this right. I decided to use a pic for each of my major problems that have been going on. In a following post I will explain some in more detail. I would like to say thank you to all the blogs that I follow that do this (I didn't realize how many people really did this!) I can't believe I didn't catch on faster! lol..

All pictures were found on google image searcher


  1. You could do Flashback Friday :) I think I do way too many themes...eek!

  2. Oh wow! That's a good one. I think I will actually do that, I really wanna jump on the whole blogging thing, but sometimes I have nothing to say (yeah my friends are rolling their eyes right now, lol). I think I will try Flashback Friday! Thank you :)
