Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

Okay, so this past two weeks have been crazy! Hope you are all comfortable, because this is gonna be a long one.

First thing that happened: two days after my last post (which was a little over two weeks ago) my computer charger went out. Yeah, wonderful timing. So my computer had been dead until yesterday when we finally got the 100 bucks to get a new one. So I was unable to check my email, I was unable to do the DIY programs for the wedding, couldn't post here and couldn't get my invitations list off of here. But, no fear, I am now up and running again and now will be catching up on the overflowing inbox and all my missed posts here! lol.

The wedding went really well. The weather decided it was gonna be at it's hottest/humid and thunderstorm on the wedding day, so we had to move it inside, not to mention the mosquitoes and ticks back in the woods. But, we made it work out and it still looked very nice. So hubby and I are now officially husband and wife!

We had decided we would leave the reception around 8:00pm and head off to the honeymoon, and ran into some issues. There was a boat show going on that weekend that was apparently very popular, so we ended up going to 15-16 different hotels and they were all booked. We finally found one at about 2:30am and we were hungry so we ended up eating Stake n' Shake, which was the only thing open. The room smelled terrible, so I didn't get much sleep. The second hotel the next night was much better! But thats all the details you all are getting about that!

I got my hair done yesterday. Hubby wanted my to try out highlights ( and yes it was his idea), and I think it looks wonderful. It makes me look more like a wife than a student. I promise to post pics when I look better and am no longer sick.

Sick? Yes sick. The morning of the wedding I was developing a little cough, nothing to worry about then, but it got worse on the honeymoon, and when I woke up yesterday, it was terrible. My throat was on fire and I was coughing like crazy. Hubby was feeling the same way and so was a couple of the guests the week before. And today, hubby got sent home from work early and I look terrible. Hopefully this will go away soon and I pray he feels better tomorrow.

I went and got all my name change stuff done, and finished getting school stuff done. I still have to do a little back to school shopping, but it's only a couple of things.

The house is a mess. I just can't bring myself to clean. I just want to lay down. What a way to spend our first week eh?

So how many of you thought I disappeared? lol

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