Okay, so this is supposed to be just my thoughts, but I will warn you it may turn into a rant. Sorry in advance!
I have come to read on many sites women complaining about being homemakers. Honestly, my dream in life was never to become president of the United States, it was to be a stay at home mom to at least five kids and a hubby who brings home the bacon. This also means that I wanted a life where I did the household chores, the cooking, the baking, and all the day-to-day things the hubby needs done. I guess you could say I am old fashioned. But why is that? Why is it that when I tell people this they say that I am "living in the past" or I'm "crazy"? Is it crazy to want to just be a mom?
These women complain about how they have to do all the house work and how their hubbies expect them to do these things. Well DUH! You stay at home all day, he is the only one with a job, why should he do all the work and you get a free ride? I know, I know, it's a bit harsh. But it's true to me! I would be 100% willing to do all the housework and have a home cooked meal sitting on the dinner table when DH comes home if I was a stay at home mom. Am I unrealistic? Am I just living in the past?
I am gonna stop this before it turns into a full blown rant. Thanks for hanging in there with me!