It's almost here...summer that is! Which also means that finals are coming up. These are the last two weeks of spring semester, then I finally get a little break, though it's not much of a break since I will be working and planning the wedding. I found out I don't have a final in a couple of my classes, which really helps out. But, I still have one in my math one, which is the one I am NOT so confident about. I absolutely do not have math confidence, lol. I am great at accounting, I am good at math (when I understand it) but I am not good at math tests. I don't know why, but I will do great on assignments and I will completely understand the work, then I take the test and miss questions I absolutely know that I knew the answer! And it's not test anxiety because I do great on tests, just not math tests, go figure.
The homework load is a little lighter. I still have one big project coming up and then the three finals I have to study for. Besides those, I just have the regular assignments they hand out.
I am starting to get the summer blues too lol. I am jumping out of my skin waiting for a bright, sunny, WARM day so I can be outside a lot more. I can't wait to start tanning for the wedding!