Bump is definitely noticeable in regular clothes, but still not in my work uniform
Nausea is getting almost nonexsistent ( finally!)
Tired 24/7
Back pain and stomach/pelvic cramps (round ligament, skin stretching)
Hungry a lot, but still unable to eat normal/large portions, so I'm still sticking to small portions
Weight Gain: Current (from last months doc appt to this months doc appt) none
Baby movements: All day/night everyday nice and strong punches (though she's found my bladder!). I have begun to notice that even though shes still very active, she likes to nap a lot lol. Daddy's been feeling her move since 19 weeks, I started feeling her at 18 weeks.
Note to Baby:
Daddy and I love you very very much little girl. He says goodnight to you every night and asks about you every day he comes home from work, or asks about us if hes out with friends. You've already got him thinking of you 24/7 : ) I love talking to you and feeling you move.
P.S when daddy is telling you to do bad things to mommy, ignore him lol.
Slow Start
1 week ago